Grievance Resolution Directorate

Convenor - Grievance Resolution Directorate



Terms of Reference

  • To enable an efficient Grievance redressal mechanism for Members and students.
  • To facilitate processes to have a timely redressal for student and members grievances.
  • To improve and monitor the processes in ICAI sahaayataa systems - Call Sahaayataa and E-Sahaayataa functioning.
  • To Facilitate technology innovations to have a centralized Grievance Handling and Resolution platform for members, students and other stakeholders.
  • To create awareness on ICAI Grievance redressal and Resolution mechanism for Members, students and other stakeholders.
  • To ensure higher satisfaction level of Stake Holders.
  • Any other functional grievances related to Members and Students Services, assigned by the competent authorities.


Contact Us

  • Secretary to the Directorate :  Shri P.D Geevar
    Email: grd[at]icai[dot}in

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